Are the products displayed in the store available?

Yes, all products displayed in our store are available for purchase. We strive to ensure that our inventory is regularly updated to reflect accurate stock availability. However, please note that popular items may sell out quickly, and it's possible that temporary delays in updating the inventory may occur. In such cases, we will promptly notify you and offer alternatives if a product is temporarily unavailable. Rest assured, we do our best to provide a seamless shopping experience and fulfill orders promptly.

What payment methods are available?

We provide you with a MADA, VISA and Mastercard.

How long does it take to deliver the order?

On average, our customers receive their orders within 7-14 business days.
Please note that some remote locations or international destinations may require longer
delivery times.

How is the order delivered?

Upon completion of the processing of the order, it is delivered to the shipping company from our distributors, who in turn communicate with the customer.

I bought a product that didn't match the description, I want a refund so how?

The customer can refund the amount or exchange the product for another product for the same amount.

What is the specified period for the return and exchange of products?

The specified period is 14 days from the date of delivery